Welcome to

WaKeeney, Kansas

Discover WaKeeney!

Discover rural America in a small town where community values are still important and neighbors continue to help their neighbors.


It’s a convenient location in which to live, play, or visit.

WaKeeney is located halfway between Kansas City and Denver at the intersection of Interstate-70 and Highway 283.  It was established by the early pioneers traveling westward in search of a better life for themselves and their families.  Escape from the pressures of city life, kick back, relax and enjoy our community. Check out the galleries below to see everything WaKeeney has to offer.

History of the Name

In 1879, Chicago land developers Mr. Warren and Mr. Keeney, having purchased a square mile of land from the United Pacific Railroad earlier in the 1870s, founded our town.  With its brick streets and Train Depot, it was named WaKeeney and is still today the county seat of Trego county.  WaKeeney is not an Indian name; it’s simply a combination of the two founders’ last names.  Originally, the names were hyphenated but later changed to a capital K, resulting in the name WaKeeney as we know it today.